06 February 2011

Train Station Experiments

There's something about trains and their place as the veins/bowels of a city that I've always admired. The musty damp pavement. The specific ambiance of inorganic lighting and shadow play on the walls, encased in a patina of grime associated with the perpetual motion of human life. The aroma of industry carried on the winds of passing cars. The perceived element of danger. The awkward social exchange shared/avoided by its passengers. The tunnels are alive and I'm in love with them.

A few experiments over the course of some days spent in transit in Sydney: a terrific city with tremendous public transit.
The waiting game

 Ang and Raquel probably sick of me sneaking photos
looking for her train ticket
Moments before boarding, in a drunken rage, this woman nearly fell in between the train and the platform. It was horrifying. I was too scared to take a direct photo of her, but i think the reflection works in this case.
Central Station
fresh off the plane. first night train to the ferry



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